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Identity Finder Pro 3 4 10 5 H33t T00 Hot Scene

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by paygitema1988 2020. 2. 14. 14:28


  1. Identity Finder Pro 3 4 10 5 H33t T00 Hot Scenes

Tags: archaeology fun planMirBSD has just, and I wrote (in German, sorry ☺) a.Today my reminded me of the first steps towards“MirLinux”, a.k.a. Tags: bug debian personal rant workSo the Debian package of gitlab is too buggy to be used (was builtagainst ruby-asciidoc version X.Y while sid carries X.(Y+1) now, whichcauses it to bug around, of course, as proper for an immature languagelike that. So, someone decided to switch to the GitLab CE.deb formatpackages (not Debian packages — not Free; just Open Core but Debianitself uses those for its “Salsa” instance as well ( is,incidentally, why I refuse use of that whenever possible) and, for that,removed the Debian packages. The gitlab binary package helpfully offeredto not delete the repositories, but gitlab-common’s postrm not onlyremoved the user account (a big no-no!) but used the option todelete its home directory which is where the git repositories and projecticons and the likes are stored under. (Note that undeleting from ext3/4is hard, unlike ext2, and if fsck and/or a journal replay is run, chancesget worse the ext4undelete tool “helpfully” requires an fsck run ’nuffsaid if you ever accidentally delete something, immediately unplug powerand destroy VMs hard, then snapshot the filesystem so multiplerescue approaches aren’t made impossible.)Anyway, it’s apparently running GitLab CE now, whichmeans that all the remotes have changed.

Sudo find / -xdev -name config grep '/.git/config$' /xgcsudo fgrep -li gitlab@edugit.org $(/xgc2. Remote= origin git branch -r sed -n '/^ $remote//s///p' while read branchname rest; dotest x'$branchname' = x'HEAD' && continueecho 'pushing $remote/$branchname'git push '$remote' '$remote/$branchname:refs/heads/$branchname'donegit push '$remote' -tagsAdjust the remote variable if necessary.Run this in all clones you have access to; not using force pushes makesonly those pushes which actually add commits succeed. All repositorieshosted on the edugit instance are affected and need(ed) restoring, which,thankfully, appears to make everything else, like stored merge requests,work again (although the project and group logos are gone, which needre-uploading).

That being said, unapplied merge requests are stored inspecial refs which are not normally cloned so they’re gone now. Tags: hardware personalSo, I’ll be updating my IBM Thinkpad X40 from an almost broken 40 GB1.6″ IDE HDD (with 2.5″ connector) to a dual (IDE master/slave) CF cardadapter with two (but I cannot find one of them right now) cards witha whopping 64 GiB, each ☺I’ll take the added space to install it as a dual boot system so I canplay some games Diablo, Hellfire, StarCraft, BroodWar, Diablo Ⅱ, LoDagain (and perhaps create more binaries of MirSoftware for those sad OSusers). It’ll be frustrating.I’m also taking the chance to reinstall MirBSD on the laptop “fresh”and build binary packages for MirPorts and publish it as a half-snapshot(sparc needs more tuits) which is likely going to take time, duringwhich I’ll be on other laptops, limited in agility. Tags: pcliToday I’ve released another new CVS snapshot of the; as usual, the tarball contains the font in BDF form, withno conflict with the system Fixed Misc font;for use (compilation, editing) with are in CVS.New: the UCS map for the 8x16 cp437 font is also shipped withinthe tarball, in the hope of helping someone with it. (The 8x16 fontisn’t just badly truncated 9x18, but specially adapted for that size.)This release was partially sponsored by tarent, and it is dedicatedto my actual users, who submit bug reports and feature requests.To Japanese users, the U+32FF SQUARE ERA NAME REIWA fromUnicode 12.1 prerelease is included. The missing small caps Q wasadded just as the ring form of the Benzol ring.

Tags: hardware personalI’m going to be switched from ADSL (version 1) at Netcologneto VDSL with Vectoring at Telekom Business tomorrow. So, if Iseem to have fallen off the earth, you’ll know why.I should also take this as chance to replace the NICmy current DSL modem is connected to (a 10 Mbit/s card, but atleast already PCI) with another to make use of the morespeed (50/10 Mbit/s instead of 4/½ or so).I’ve set up Backup MX (already had Backup NS), so nothingshould suffer too much except response times, perhaps. Tags: geocacheTheoffline OpenStreetMap vector maps can be rendered with MapsForge,a library which is embedded in several Android applications like.

(Note that c:geo ships twoinstances of it, the “old MapsForge v3 API” which works much betteron my ancient HTC Desire and the standard newer one.) However, thisuses the stock rendering theme of MapsForge by default, which is anold Osmarender one (in v3 at least, later MapsForge extends it) andkinda sucks for detailled navigation, such as what GPS Stash Huntersneed to do.Thankfully Freizeitkarte ships a MapsForge theme, well two, onewith more contrast or something. Did I say “ships”?

Oops, “shipped”is more correct. It was taken offline (with, unfortunately, no traceany more online) some years ago due to difficulties or something.Luckily, I still have a copy (in which I enabled several “extra”features (such as displaying bus stops, which ought to be default)which I can use.

But this has several problems: it needs fixing, asupstream said, and OSM also developed, so I could not see any ramps(lanes to join/exit highways) any more.Well, jupp and XML editing and OSM data inspection to the rescue.I now maintain the XML in a private git repo (although I unfortunatelyonly have the preconfigured one as starting point), and I extended,changed and fixed it a lot and redrew two of the images, andis the fruit of these efforts. It likely can still use more fixingand extending but is at least usable, and the licence is ratherliberal. Perhaps I should rename it to Mirzeitkarte to clarify itis not the original any more, but for now I did it in the title ofthis wlog entry. (Dear Freizeitkarte people, please do contact meif you have anything to say. We could even populate your fzk-themegithub repository.)Update 2019-04-22: I’ve renamed the XML (but notthe PKZIP archive name, as to not break deep links) and have fixedmore stuff, continuing to do so. Freizeitkarte people just pointedme to Geoclub (an independent webforum) for “support”, so they seemto not be interested. I do have permission though.In unrelated news, the also grew, and the soundfont has an update.

2019-01-05I’ve updated a lot of things in MirBSD and for use with theDebian operating system. More to come, has been convertedto Mirtoconf (the successful Build.sh system of ’s) but needs to be re-portedto a lot of systems (and some more bugs squished). My also received a number of updates, such as to theever-desired, but it’s the time of that two-year cyclewhich invites general care for all of one’s packages.On the other hand, MirBSD stops offering RSS feeds by tags.The world has become more insular, first by DSGVO, now by othercultural issues.

I’ll be at FOSDEM, as usual, though, so rejoice!You can now directly download, for all platforms and synthesisers, for MuseScore (and others) I maintain. This service maycease at any time, without notice. Also, do mind the MIT licence.On an unrelated note, happy new year in the western calendar! Tags: debianNik wishes you to know that the Movim packaging sprint (sponsoredby the DPL, thank you!) is handled under the umbrella of the DebianEdu sprint (similarily sponsored) since this package is handled bythe Teckids Debian Task Force, personnel from Teckids e.V.After arriving, I’ve started collecting knowledge first. I reviewedupstream’s composer.json file and Wiki page about dependenciesand, after it quickly became apparent that we need much moreinformation (e.g. Which versions are in sid, what the package names are,and, most importantly, recursive dependencies), a grew. Then I made a hunt for information about how topackage stuff that uses PHP Composer upstream, and found the, ahem,wonderfully abundant, structured, plentiful and clear documentation fromthe Debian PHP/PEAR Packaging team.

(Some time and reverse-engineeringlater I figured out that we just ignore composer and read itscontrol file in pkg-php-tools converting dependency informationto Debian package relationships. Much time later I also figured out itmangles package names in a specific way and had to rename one of thepackages I created in the meantime thankfully before having uploadedit.) Quickly, the Wiki page grew listing the package names we’re supposedto use. I created a package which I could use as template for all otherslater.The upstream Movim developer arrived as well — we have quite an amountof upstream developers of various projects attending MiniDebConf, to thejoy of the attendees actually directly involved in Debian, and this makesthings much easier, as he immediately started removing dependencies (tomake our job easier) and fixing bugs and helping us understand how someof those dependencies work. (I also contributed code upstream that replacessome Unicode codepoints or sequences thereof, such as 3⃣ or ‼ or 👱🏻‍♀️,with tags pointing to the SVG images shipped with Movim, witha description (generated from their Unicode names) in the alt attribute.)Now, Saturday, all dependencies are packaged so far, although we’re stillwaiting for maintainer feedback for those two we’d need to NMU (or have themupload or us take the packages over); most are in NEW of course, but that’sno problem. Tags: bug debian mksh pcliI’m currently working on an and script that takesa pitch standard (e.g.

“A₄ = 440 Hz” or “C₄ = 256 Hz”) and a configfile describing a temperament (e.g. The usual equal temperament,or Pythagorean untempered pure fifths (with the wolf), or “just”intonation, Werckmeister Ⅲ, Vallotti or Bach/Lehman 1722 (to namea few; these are all temperaments that handle enharmonics the sameor, for Pythagorean in out case, ignore the fact they’re unplayable).Temperaments are rule-based, like in ttuner. Well, I’m not quitethere yet, but I’m already able to display the value for MuseScoreto adjust its pitch standard (it can only take A₄-based values), afrequency table, and a list and table of cent deltas (useful for usingor comparing with other tuners). Of course, right now, the cent deltasare all 0 because, well, they are equal temperament against equaltemperament (as baseline), but I can calculate that witharbitrary and very high precision!For outputting, I wanted to make the tables align nicely;,which I normally use, was out because it always left-aligns, so I usedstring padding in Korn Shell — except I’m also a Unicode BMP fan, so Ihad F♯ and B♭ in my table headings, which were for some reason correctlyright-aligned (for when the table values were integers) but not paddedright when aligning with the decimal dot.

So I worked around it, butalso investigated.Turns out that the desired length was used as secondargument, instead of, as in the right-align case, the buffer size.This worked only until multibyte characters happened. A fun bug,which only took about three minutes to find, and is covered by anew check in the testsuite even. Thought I’d share.Feedback on and improvements for the tuner, once it’ll be done,are, of course, also welcome. I plan to port the algorithm (onceI’ve got it down in a programming language I know well)to QML for inclusion in the tuner MuseScore plugin, even. Check, formy work in progress it’s quite big already despite doing basicallynothing.

Foundation laid (or so). 2018-05-05I’m currently working on consolidating mirsolutions.de(as my former business is long defunct) and “The MirOS Project”(that as of 2018 is also back to being my own one-man show / hobby)into www.mirbsd.org as my hobby / personal sorta homepageto not need any vhosts and simplify EU-DSGVO conformity. (I’ve alsoreduced logging.) Please excuse upheavals, as well as the continuedpresence of old, obsoleted or outdated content that may even be, asof now, completely wrong; I’ll fix it as time permits. Tags: debian fun geocache personalGPS Stash Hunt, also commercially known as “Geocaching”,“Terracaching”, or non-commercially (but also nōn-free) as“Opencaching”, is 18 years old today! Time for celebrationor something!Excluding Munzees, I visited 2365 waypoints to date,ever since 2006 (I knew about GPS Stash Hunt in 2004already but thought one’d need one of those expensiveGPS receivers to play, which is untrue but I only gotthat when Pfeffer (from BOSng) took his GPS and me outfor a bike tour in 2006, so, here we are(Some older on-platform logs have a number that stillcounts Munzees; the current format uses “number﹟”.). Tags: archaeology debian fun guest mksh pcliGiacomo Tesio referenced in his and provided a guest post (dated 2018-01-09, sorry forposting it this late only) for us on his journey on porting to Jehanne, hisPlan 9 derivative operating system.

Tags: event personalI’m in Bruxelles again, as every year since 2001, for. (I only missed OSDEMin 2000, mostly due to the curse of late birth.)To revive a tradition, I’ve attempted (and successfullyat that!) to find a place where we can eat Couscous Merguez,and we met up with bsiegert@ and had some nice conversationand, besides the overly LOUD!!! Belly dance, delicious food.It was nice to catch up with each other again.Other than that, see you over the next few days at ULB!Don’t miss the MuseScore booth and the two Teckids talks.Colophon: complexity sucks. Tags: event funI’ve been going to FOSDEM for about half of my lifetime,give or take a year I think.

So, of course, I will be thereagain this year. Thanks to my employer for sponsoring traveland accommodation again.It’s a bit annoying that the future of alternative OSes isa bit misty right now, depending on the hardware, but we’recontinuing development, in subprojects (like and, for example) and other projects (like Debian andMuseScore, whom I’ll meet at FOSDEM again) while researchingpossible fixes for the security theatre. Tags: debian mksh pcliR56 was released with experimentalfixes for the “history no longer persisted when HISTFILE near-full” and issues (I hope they do notintroduce any regressioins) and otherwise as a bugfix release. You mightwish to know the $EDITOR selection mechanism in dot.mkshrcchanged. Tags: bug debian grml pcli rant snippet tip workSomeone from the FSF’s licencing department posted an official-lookingthing saying they don’t believeto be problematic with copyleft.

Well, my lawyer (not my personal one, norfor The MirOS Project, but related to another association, informally)does agree with my reading of the new ToS, and I canpoint out at least a clause in the GPLv1 (I really don’t have time rightnow) which says contrary (but does this mean the FSF generally waives therestrictions of the GPL for anything on GitHub?). I’ll eMail GitHub Legaldirectly and will try to continue getting this fixed (as soon as I haveenough time for it) as I’ll otherwise be forced to force GitHub to removestuff from me (but with someone else as original author) under GPL, suchas tinyirc and e3.got a rather heftyupgrade because dbconfig-common (unlike any other DBschema framework I know of) doesn’t apply the upgrades on a fresh install(and doesn’t automatically put the upgrades into a transaction either)but only upgrades between Debian package versions (which can be funnywith backports, but AFAICT that part is handled correctly). I now appendthe upgrades to the initial-version-as-seen-in-the-source to generatethe initial-version-as-shipped-in-the-binary-package (optionally, onlyif it’s named.in) removing all transaction stuff from the upgradefiles and wrapping the whole shit in BEGIN; and COMMIT;after merging. Tags: debian pcli snippet tip workSince I use this as base for other PHP packages like, I’ve updated with:. PHP 7 support (untested, as I need libapache2-mod-php5). tons more utility code for you to use. a class autoloader, with example (build time, for now).

(at build time) running a PHPUnit testsuite (unless nocheck)The old features (Apache 2.2 and 2.4 support, dbconfig-common, etc.)are, of course, still there. Support for other webservers could becontributed by you, and I could extend the autoloader towork at runtime (using dpkg triggers) to include dependencies aspackaged in other Debian packages. See, nobody needs “composer”! ☻Feel free to check it out, play around with it, install it, test it,send me improvement patches and feature requests, etc. — it’swith a mirror at GitHub (since I wrote it myself and the is permissive enoughanyway).This posting and the code behind it are sponsored by my employer. Tags: bug debian event grml pcli rant security tip workPlease use to bookmark this article, not the pagelisting all wlog entries of the last decade.

Thank you.Some updates inline and at the bottom.became effective today, which is quiteproblematic — there was a review phase, but my reviews pointing out theproblems were not answered, and, while the language is somewhat changedfrom the draft, they became effective immediately.Now, the new ToS are not so bad that one immediately must stop usingtheir service for disagreement, but it’s important that certain contentmay no longer legally be pushed to GitHub. I’ll try to explainwhich is affected, and why.I’m mostly working my way backwards through section D, asthat’s where the problems I identified lie, and because this is fromeasier to harder.Note that using a private repository does nothelp, as the same terms apply. Anything requiring attribution (e.g.

CC-BY, but also BSD, )Section D.7 requires the person uploading content to waive any and allattribution rights. Ostensibly “to allow basic functions like search towork”, which I can even believe, but, for a work the uploader did notcreate completely by themselves, they can’t grant this licence.The CC licences are notably bad because they don’t permit sublicencing,but even so, anything requiring attribution can, in almost all cases, not“written or otherwise, created or uploaded by our Users”. This is fact,and the exceptions are few.

$ git remote add -no-tags -f Bproject /path/to/B/.git $ git merge -s ours -allow-unrelated-histories -no-commit Bproject/master $ git read-tree -u -prefix= dir-B/ Bproject/master $ git commit -m ' Merge B project as our subdirectory dir-B'Later updates are easy:$ git pull -s subtree Bproject master(mind the trailing slash after dir-B/on the read-tree command!)Besides reformatting, the use of -allow-unrelated-historiesrecently became necessary.no-tags is also usually what youwant, because tags are not namespaced like branches.Another command you might find relevant is. Tags: debian pcli personal rant tipcnuke@ spotted something on the internet, and shared. It’s so true. (My car is 30 years old, Iuse computers mostly for sirc, lynx and ssh, and I especially do not buy anyproduct that needs to be “online” to work.)Nice parts of the internet, to offset this, though, do exist. IRC as a wayof cheap (affordable), mostly reliant, communication that’s easy enough to dowith TELNET.EXE if necessary. Fanfiction; easy proliferation of people’s art(literature, in this case).

Fast access to documentation and source code;OpenBSD’s AnonCVS was a first, nowadays almost everything (not Tom Dickey’sprojects (lynx, ncurses, xterm, cdk, ), nor GNU bash, though) is on a publicversion control system repository. (Now people need to learn to not rewritehistory, just commit whatever shit they do, to record thought process, notproduce the perfect-looking patch.) Livestreams too, I guess, but ever sincelive365.com went dead due to a USA law change on 2016-01-02, it got bad. Tags: debian pcli rantGMane has been down for a day or two, and flakey for a day before that. ’s laffer1 just, which made me cry out loud.GMane is really great, and I rely on the NNTP interface a lot, bothposting and especially reading — it gives me the ability to downloadmessages from mailing lists I don’t receive in order to be able tocompose replies with (mostly) correct References and In-Reply-Toheaders. Its web interface, especially the article permalinks, arealso extremely helpful.This is a request for a petition to save GMane. Please, someone,do something!

Thanks in advance! Tags: mksh pcliOur PDF manpages will, starting from now, be generated withInconsolata instead of Bitstream Vera Mono as monospace font.The body font is still Gentium, of course.To be more exact: the Teχ flavour of Inconsolata Regular andBold, with the varl and varqu flags, is used,and because GNU groff also requires an Italic or at least Obliquefont (also in its bold variant, which the manpage doesn’tuse though), Inconsolata LGC (both Italic and Bold Italic) areplugged in there. I added them as PFA Type 1 fonts to GNU groff,so I had to make some fixes in FontForge (merging the variantsinto the main font, removing unused glyphs (not for LGC), fixingthe validation (mostly, and not so much for LGC), autohintingwhere FontForge expressed a need for that, renaming glyphs tothe names expected by afmtodit, ), but it works.I’m not regenerating older PDF manpages though.Inconsolata is also not all I wish for a monospaced font (andeven bsiegert@ says nothing goes over FixedMisc) but it has, atleast, a 0 (digit zero) with a correct stroke through it ☺.

Tags: archaeology bug hardware pcli personal plan rantMy network at home is unstable. NetCologne suggests to switchto fibre network, but that only comes with a dynamic IPv6 addressand NAT64; completely unsuitable to running a server. (I couldarguably tunnel a static IPv4 address from a dedicated server tohome, but that would completely foil my plans for redundancy.) SoI may need an ISP (phone isn’t important) that providesme with connectivity where a static IPv4 (and, ideally, a staticIPv6 /64 or /48 — but only if the reverse DNS gets delegated tome, otherwise that’s unusable) ends up at a device of my choosing(and not a plastic router which can then “forward ports”;I require full internet to end up at my own device).HostEurope is relocating the other server, both physically andnetwork-wise. Their plan seems fool-proof so far, though.gecko2@ is decommissioning the server on which eurynomeis hosted, shortly. This will also be no small amount of fun foreveryone involved.

Expect old links, SSH host keys, etc. To break.This explicitly includes /etc/ssh/.knownhosts.During all those moves, I will downsize my DNS zones and changesome entries, so that old or duplicate records will be gone.I’ll likely generate and publish completely new hostkeys (bothand PGP clearsigned) once this is all over. The currentkey is at the end of /usr/share/doc/README in anyinstalled system. (Do note MD5 is considered insecure.) My currentPGP key is 9031955E7A97A4FDA32B2B8676B534B2E99007E0 butthis requires GnuPG, so check both.My seeming inability to remember rarely-used “secure” passwords,i.e. Those not fitting into my normal schemata, led to me notattempting to run a CA myself any more. While, thanks to rsc, wehave an official certificate for www.mirbsd.org now, Iprobably will get StartSSL for “all” other systems (i.e.

Herc, asI appear to be downsizing), despite it lacking the SSL clientpurpose (important e.g. This shouldn’t affect anyone.PS: I still hate Karneval! Tags: debian fun mksh pcli tipI just published the first version of git find onfor easy collaboration.

The repository deliberately only contains thescript and the manual page so it can easily be merged into git.git withcomplete history later, should they accept it. It does requirea recent (Update: I did start itin POSIX sh first, but it eventually turned out to require arrays, andI don’t know and am not going to rewrite it in C) and some commonutility extensions to deal with NUL-separated lines ( sort -z,grep -z, git ls-tree -z); also, support for '0'in and a that does not choke on embedded NULs in lines.To install or uninstall it, run.

$ git clone git@github.com:mirabilos/git-find.git$ cd git-find$ sudo ln -sf $PWD/git-find /usr/lib/git-core/$ sudo cp git-find.1 /usr/local/share/man/man1/ hack $ sudo rm /usr/lib/git-core/git-find /usr/local/share/man/man1/git-find.1 then you can call it as “git find”and look at the documentation with “git help find”, as is customary.The idea behind this utility is to have a tool like “git grep” thatacts on the list of files known to git (and not e.g. Ignored files)to quickly search for, say, all PNG files in the repository (but notthe generated ones). “git find” acts on the index for the HEAD, i.e.whatever commit is currently checked-out (unlike “git grep” which alsoknows about “git add”ed files; fix welcome) and then offers a filtersyntax similar to to follow up: parenthesēs,! Fornegation, -a and -o for boolean are supported, aswell as -name, -regex and -wholename andtheir case-insensitive variants, although regex uses without(or, if the global option -E is given, with) -E,and the pattern matches use ’s, which ignores the locale anddoesn’t do :alpha: character classes yet.

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